infant sleep consultant

Sleep Consulting for every little one aged 0-4

Sleep tight. Sleep right.

Settled nights, content babies, rested parents.
cotton swaddle blanket

Sleep Conditioning Programs

Swoop Baby offers practical sleep consulting with warmth and understanding. The process of falling asleep is learned, and we are here to teach parents and babies the power of healthy sleep habits from day one.

While our approach is backed by science, we like to keep it simple and focus on consistency, the more consistent you are in your approach, the quicker your baby will learn..

cotton swaddle blanket

Uniquely developed to suit your child

Our programs are personalised for each family, as Swoop Baby sleep training is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Understanding the uniqueness of each family and child, we factor in your child’s temperament and your family dynamics, tailoring our strategy to suit your preferences and level of comfort. Swoop Baby consultations can be carried out in person or virtually from anywhere around the world. We are here to energise your family with sleep, one night at a time.

Sleep Conditioning Programs

Swoop Baby offers practical sleep consulting with warmth and understanding. The process of falling asleep is learned, and we are here to teach parents and babies the power of healthy sleep habits from day one.

While our approach is backed by science, we like to keep it simple and focus on consistency, the more consistent you are in your approach, the quicker your baby will learn..

Uniquely developed to suit your child

Our programs are personalised for each family, as Swoop Baby sleep training is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Understanding the uniqueness of each family and child, we factor in your child’s temperament and your family dynamics, tailoring our strategy to suit your preferences and level of comfort. Swoop Baby consultations can be carried out in person or virtually from anywhere around the world. We are here to energise your family with sleep, one night at a time.

cotton swaddle blanketcotton swaddle blanket

Sleep Conditioning Programs

A positive transition to parenthood

Recommended for new parents during pregnancy or when you arrive home with your baby, any time during those first three months.

This program has been designed to welcome new parents into the world of infant sleep, giving you the tools to thrive from day one.

1:1 Remote Sleep Conditioning

Recommended for children 12 weeks to 4 years

These programs are designed to address sleep challenges, whether it's difficulty falling asleep, frequent night waking, inconsistent nap schedules, sleep associations, transitions or sleep regressions.

1:1 In-Home Sleep Conditioning

Recommended for children 3 weeks to 4 years

These hands-on programs enable us to offer insights and demonstrate effective sleep strategies in your home. You can catch up on much-needed sleep while we take care of your little one overnight, or choose a convenient daytime in-home program.

Swoop Subsciption

Introducing our all new

Swoop Subscription

best sleep training methods

Wake up refreshed and energised every day with a Swoop Subscription

The Exclusive Swoop Subscription - A tailored program that evolves alongside your baby’s development

Babies and their sleep needs change continuously during the first year of their life.

The Swoop Subscription offers ongoing support helping mothers and fathers adapt to these changes with new age appropriate settling, soothing, feeding and sleep strategies that will see minimal impact on their babies sleep as a result.

The Swoop Subscription includes a 2 week joining program, with a minimum of 3 monthly refreshers where the assessment plan is updated and routines are tweaked.

Find out more


Sarah has been a LIFESAVER with our first baby girl!

From day 1, Sarah would be available around the clock to help with advice on how to settle her, good habits to get her into from a very young age and just constant support and assurance for the paranoid mumma that I am!

Our baby girl is now 4 months old and is in a predictable routine, with 3 naps a day, bed time at 6:30 and waking at 7:30am.

Sarah has been one of the biggest pillars of support in my journey as a new mumma and I wouldn’t have been able to do this without her <3

Mia, 3 weeks

I have become one of 'those' smug mums thanks to Sarah! 

My baby has been sleeping through the night (95% of the time) since 8 weeks old.

There was no aggressive sleep training, it was just simple and small changes that made a big difference for both my baby and I.

Under Sarah's guidance I gained the confidence to read my baby's cues, when he needed me vs when he was trying to soothe himself.

With Sarah's recommended age appropriate routines my baby was doing his day naps and sleeping overnight with little assistance and as a result we are both thriving! I can't recommend Swoop Baby enough!

Archie, 6 Weeks

When things were feeling a bit relentless Sarah swooped in and saved the day.

Nothing impacts a Mothers outlook and resilience more than sleep. I am SO grateful.

The biggest impact of our short time with Sarah was the impact on my marriage! The relentless false starts, wakes, stress and sleep deprivation was really taking its toll and our short time working with Sarah really did help our whole family.

I've always been a bit apprehensive about "sleep training" but Sarah put me at ease and gave me the confidence to make adjustments I felt comfortable with, all of which actually made a huge difference, quickly.

During and post influenza Sarah really helped support both ME and my little one. The flu turned all things sleep and routine on its head but being able to call on Sarah during, and have her guide me afterwards to get things back on track made a world of difference.

Georgie, 4.5 months

Some real sleep witchery!

We cannot recommend Sarah enough, we went all in! Purchasing the 3 overnight night stays. Whilst my husband and I slept downstairs, Sarah worked her magic (some real sleep witchery!). She had our little boy going from waking 5-6 times a night, plus demand feeding, to sleeping 6-7 hour blocks and 2 night feeds- in TWO nights... what the!

After two nights of great sleep for us parents Sarah hand held us through night three, supporting and guiding us with resettling and understanding our boys cries. Sarah’s gentle approach to sleep training our Jesse made us feel very comfortable and we now have the confidence and tools to ensure we get that precious sleep, we thought was a long lost friend! THANK YOU!

Jesse, 7 months

Sarah is the cheerleader everyone needs in their corner during the wild ride that is baby and toddler sleep!

She took the time to really connect and get to know me and my boys; taking on board my parenting style, the boys’ temperaments as well as the ins and outs of our weekly commitments to tailor a practical and effective approach which worked!

My little boy, Henry, now goes to sleep without fuss and stays in his own bed all night, and my baby, Arthur, is in a predictable nap routine and sleeps from 6:30pm-6:30am! Sarah is the most warm and positive person and was amazing to communicate with, touching base often to celebrate our successes and keep me motivated.

Thank you Sarah for your guidance and support!

Arthur, 7 months

Sarah is the Mary Poppins of sleep. 

Our nine month old was waking five times a night unsettled with feeds the only way to get her back to sleep, but now she sleeps through (7pm-6.30am without crying out). We had tried sleep training at six months ourselves and had given up after two weeks of no progress. We didn’t know what to do so called in for help at nine months and we certainly got it.

Sarah was really caring and listened to us and our parenting style and routines. She was more than happy to accommodate our style but still provided expert advice to get us on track. Sarah developed an individual plan which was more than a sleep plan; it was a whole routine and feeding plan. Within days of implementing the plan things started to turn around. Sarah was there with us every step of the way and we even used her for residential help to break the cycle.

She gave us the tools we then used to keep the momentum up and we had progress every night until our little girl started sleeping through after just over a week. Sarah even helped us with our older child whose bedtime had come off the rails. I now feel confident that I can support both my children, at their different ages, to get a good sleep.

Eleanor, 9 months

Reaching out to Sarah was such a good decision.

I am so grateful for all the support and guidance Sarah has provided my family in order to help my baby sleep better.

I have a 10 months old baby. Before the sleep training he couldn’t self settle, was waking up at night for bottle feeds and had limited intake of solids. After just a week my boy self-settles, he sleeps through the night and he is eating solids. What an amazing transformation!

Sarah’s knowledge, ideas and the comprehensive sleep plan were very helpful. It feels so great to have my sleep back and to know my baby gets his sleep too.

Thank you Sarah.

Mark, 10 months

Our three year old’s bed routine had slipped out of control.

Bedtime had started to take 30-45 minutes with lots of ‘just one more book’, ‘just one more lullaby’, ‘just one more cuddle’, ‘come check on me in 5 minutes’. Some nights it would take him two hours to fall asleep with lots of help from us. With the help of Sarah and her advice we were able to set up routines that worked for us as a family but gave us parents back the control. Sarah listened to our goals and challenges and created a plan for us that was achievable. She checked in with us as we put our new routine in place and provided lots of encouragement and suggestions when we had minor setbacks. We have noticed our child is no longer overtired.

Sarah was even able to help with his sibling’s bedtime routine making us all enjoy bedtime more.

Edward, 3 years

Matilda had been such a good sleeper until all of a sudden without no obvious warning signs, things changed quickly.

Night wakes and sudden crying up for no apparent reason meant that restful nights of the past were no longer the norm. We were taking turns sleeping cot-side with no escape and little sleep. Dazed and confused, we needed help!

Sarah was able to clearly identify the likely cause of the sudden change in behaviour, and helped us put a plan in place that was so effective we saw a rapid improvement within 24hrs.

We can’t thank Sarah enough and would definitely recommend her to anyone else needing help/support and a better nights sleep!

Matilda, 13 months

Sarah has the magic touch and brought some much needed sleep back to our house.

She took the time to understand our family and developed a plan that would work for us. Our son responded quickly to her calm approach and adjustments, and having the extra contact after her visit meant we could stay on track and ask questions as we implemented her suggestions. We recently used Sarah again to help with a new routine now our son is older and within a few days his naps were lengthening and he was only having one feed a night.

Arthur, 9 weeks

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Happy Sunday! Answers are in and as always please reach out with any further questions 🖤🖤
Daylight savings ends next Sunday and this transition can often bring some anxiety, especially if your usual 5 am wake-up suddenly shifts to 4 am! Newborns are typically unaffected, but older babies, just like adults, can take some time to adjust to the change.

The good news for early risers is that you’ll now have a longer window to help them return to sleep before starting the day at a more reasonable hour.

You can choose to move your schedule proactively a week in advance, or simply handle it reactively when the time change happens. I prefer being ahead of the game, when done right, it makes it much easier to wake up on Sunday already on the new time. I recommend pushing bedtime, nap, and food times by 15 minutes, two days at a time over the course of a week (option 2). However, this can be tricky if you need to be out of the house early, so it’s also okay to adjust during the following week or from Thursday.

Some children may need extra distractions to cope with the change. To help them, offer plenty of natural light in the morning and late afternoon to reset their body clocks, along with quiet cuddles and games, further tips on the last slide. 

Remember, the transition won’t happen overnight, so give yourself some time and be patient. And if necessary, make sure you get to bed early enough to be well-rested and ready to tackle things if your little one is struggling. 🤍

#swoopbaby #sleepconditioning #daylightsavings #babysleep #toddlersleep #sleeptransition
I know I say this a lot 🙈, but consistency is key when teaching your baby to sleep. Consistency with your routine, your wind-down ritual and your settling method. A calm, content baby learns best from a calm, caring, and consistent (!) approach. 🤎
Here are my top 3 tips to set your little one up for sleep success 🤍

1) Consistent age-appropriate routine. Make sure your little one is not over or under tired when it’s time to settle

2) Good sleep hygiene - ensure you have all the positive associations in place including white noise, a tog-appropriate sleeping bag, dark room and comforter. 

3) Less is more! When trying to settle often we end up doing too much which confuses our little ones, stick with a calm consistent settling method so your little one knows what is expected of them.

Here’s to great sleep for your little one (and you)! ✨

#swoopbaby #sleepconditioning #toddlersleep #sleephygiene #bedtimeroutine #sleepregression #healthysleephabits #consistency
Answers are in! Thank you so much for all your questions, I hope this is helpful and please do get in touch if we can provide any further support 🖤

#swoopbaby #sleepconditioning #sleeptips #newbornsleep #babysleep #toddlersleep #babysleepconsulting #parentsupport #selfsettling #skeepsuccess
Back in 2020, when I was pregnant with Wolfie, MJ and I spent hours talking about the excitement and challenges of becoming parents. Everyone warned me of how tough the first few months would be, especially when it came to sleep. And honestly, I was nervous, sleep was a big deal for us.

So, I started researching to figure out how to set Wolfie up for sleep success from the start. Consistency was the key. Sleep is a learned behavior, but with the right approach, you can lay the foundation early on. I swear by the swaddle—friends joked about how much I used it, but it was the one thing that worked!

When Wolfie outgrew his swaddle, I realised there was a gap in the market for a functional, organic option. That sparked the idea for Swoop Baby. I also enrolled in a sleep training course to increase my knowledge and expertise, and before I knew it, I was helping friends and their babies sleep better, and loving it! The more I practiced and helped my friends who were struggling with sleep, the more I realised there is a formula—and I knew I had to pass it on.

Swoop Baby was born from a desire to give parents the tools and confidence to help their babies sleep, so they can fully enjoy all the rewards of parenthood. Let’s face it, time flies and if you’re stuck in the sleep deprived trenches it’s hard to have the energy to soak up and enjoy. 

Our approach is backed by science, focused on consistency, and very responsive to your baby’s needs. 

By unlocking predictable sleep, we help you enjoy life and parenting to the fullest. 🖤

Special shout out to the incredibly talented @lunettephotography for a fun shoot and capturing these beautiful moments, and to my gorgeous friend @jess_dahdah and baby Lily for being part of it ❤️
Willow came to us at that tricky age where we were dropping the third nap, which IYKYK....its a transition! 

Willow learnt to self settle and resettle beautifully resulting in her nights falling into place very quickly. We did have to troubleshoot her day naps a little to find the perfect awake window between the two naps and get her into bed before she was getting overtired. 

With her parents consistency and some good chats, both day and night fell into a good rhythm. Willow’s parents had their nights back, to enjoy some time together and do what they enjoy. 💫

This beautiful family are Melbourne based (referred by another fabulous Melbourne client), we work with families all over the country. Please reach out if you would like a discovery call to understand more on our approach and how we may be able to help, we would love to! 

#swoopbaby #sleepconditioning #sleeping #babysleep  #babysleepconsulting #selfsettling #sleepsuccess #happybaby #happyparents
This simple technique builds confidence, helps your little one self-soothe, and sets them up for better sleep in the long run. Babies who can self-settle tend to sleep for longer periods because they don’t need assistance every time they wake during the night. DM me for support in getting them calm before they go into the cot, lots we can do to set them up for sleep success 🤎

#swoopbaby #sleepconditioning #sleeping #babysleep #toddlersleep #babysleepconsulting #selfsettling #sleepsuccess #happybaby